Maxwell® HT DNA FFPE Isolation System

The Maxwell® HT DNA FFPE Isolation System provides a simple and reliable method for high-throughput, rapid isolation of genomic DNA from FFPE (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) tissue samples. 


The Maxwell® HT DNA FFPE Isolation System provides a simple and reliable method for high-throughput, rapid isolation of genomic DNA from FFPE (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded) tissue samples. The purified DNA can be used directly in a variety of downstream applications, including PCR and next-generation sequencing. 

The Maxwell® HT DNA FFPE Isolation System purifies nucleic acid using paramagnetic particles, which provide a mobile solid phase to optimize sample capture, washing and purification of gDNA. The use of paramagnetic particles for DNA capture eliminates the need for centrifugation or vacuum manifolds, making the system suitable for full automation. In addition, the system does not require an organic solvent, making it safe and convenient. 

Features – Benefits

  • Robust, precipitation-free protocol, no chance of lost pellets
  • High yields of pure DNA from FFPE samples without using xylene or other hazardous chemicals
  • Ideal for use in downstream applications including qPCR and next-generation sequencing (NGS)
Product Size Brand Catalog
Maxwell® HT DNA FFPE Isolation System 4 x 96 preps Promega A6372


Item Size Catalog
FFPE Resin 1 × 33ml A220G
Mineral Oil 1 × 140ml A244C
Lysis Buffer (LBA) 1 × 110ml A287A
Buffer B (BWB) 2 ×58.8 ml A288B
Proteinase K (PK) Solution 1 × 30 ml A505E
Buffer A (BWA) 1 × 125 ml A6371
RNase A Solution 4 mg/ml 1 × 30 ml A797F


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