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The Maxwell® HT ccfDNA Kit can be used for high-throughput, automated purification of circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) from up to…
The Maxwell® HT simplyRNA Kit can be used to make the process of automating isolation much simpler.
The Maxwell® HT DNA FFPE Isolation System provides a simple and reliable method for high-throughput, rapid isolation of genomic DNA from…
The Maxwell® HT 96 gDNA Blood Isolation System provides a simple and reliable method for rapid isolation of genomic DNA…
The Maxwell® HT Viral TNA Kit can be used for high-throughput, automated extraction of RNA and DNA from several sample…
The ReliaPrep™ Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System isolates genomic DNA (gDNA) from 1–10ml of blood in a scalable format.
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