GenePrint® 10 System

The GenePrint® 10 System contains all materials necessary to amplify STR regions of human genomic DNA, including a hot-start thermostable DNA polymerase, which is a component of the GenePrint® 10 5X Master Mix.


Cell line misidentification is an important concern for researchers. In some cases, laboratories have invested substantial time and effort researching cell lines that were later revealed to be misidentified (1). This has prompted the National Institutes of Health to issue a notice to researchers strongly recommending authentication procedures when using cultured cells (2). Genetic profiling can be used for human cell line authentication using short tandem repeat (STR) loci (3–6).

The GenePrint® 10 System contains all materials necessary to amplify STR regions of human genomic DNA, including a hot-start thermostable DNA polymerase, which is a component of the GenePrint® 10 5X Master Mix. An internal lane standard (ILS) and allelic ladder are provided for sizing and genotyping of amplified fragments, and the 2800M Control DNA is supplied as a positive control. The ILS is added to every sample after amplification and used within each capillary electrophoresis run to determine the size of each amplified product. The allelic ladder consists of the most common alleles at a particular locus and is used as a standard to positively identify each allele.

Features – Benefits

  • Tolerates higher DNA amounts. Better balance for aneuploid samples
  • Reduced PCR Time. Amplification in less than 1.5 hours
  • Lower number of loci simplifies interpretation
Product Size Brand Catalog
GenePrint® 10 System 50 reactions Promega B9510


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