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Need help? Use these resources to help you find answer. Our customer and technical support expert are available by telephone, fax, or email to help.

Contact Us

Need help? Use these resources to help you find answers. Our customer and technical support experts are available by telephone, fax, or email to help:

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West Java (Bandung)

PT Mitra Utama Indolab

East Java (Sidoarjo)

PT. Biotek Prima Indoplus


Need help? Use these resources to help you find answers.

Contact Sales & Technical Support

Please submit your question and provide us with your contact information.  Our team will contact you shortly.

Tracking Shipment

Send us your PO Number or Purchase Items and your data. Our team will contact you shortly.

Contact Administration Support

Please submit your question related to invoice, Outstanding Order, Retur, and Statement of Account.

Our team will contact you shortly.