Maxwell® RSC Whole Blood DNA Kit

The Maxwell® RSC Whole Blood DNA Kit provides a simple, automated method for extraction of DNA from 50–500µl of whole blood samples using the Maxwell® RSC Instruments.


The Maxwell® RSC Whole Blood DNA Kit provides a simple, automated method for extraction of DNA from 50–500µl of whole blood samples using the Maxwell® RSC Instruments. The kit contains all the necessary reagents for DNA extraction from whole blood in a convenient prefilled cartridge format. The Maxwell® RSC Instrument processes from 1 to 16 samples, and the Maxwell® RSC 48 processes from 1 to 48 samples, in a single run. Whole blood is added directly into well #1 of the cartridges (no preprocessing necessary), and purified DNA is ready for analysis in less than 40 minutes. Purified DNA can be used directly in a variety of downstream applications. The Maxwell® RSC Whole Blood DNA Kit is also compatible for use on the Maxwell® CSC Instrument in RUO Mode.

Features – Benefits

  • Purify DNA from 50–500µl of whole blood in less than 40 minutes with no preprocessing
  • Yields highly pure DNA without PCR inhibitors to ensure success in sensitive downstream applications
  • Flexible elution volume lets you maximize concentration or yield
Product Size Brand Catalog
Maxwell® RSC Whole Blood DNA Kit 48 preps Promega AS1520
Maxwell® RSC Whole Blood DNA Kit 144 preps Promega ASB1520


Item Size Catalog
Maxwell® RSC Cartridge (RSCH) 144 × 1 each AS151A
Elution Buffer 3 × 20 ml MD142D
Elution Tubes (0.5ml) 3 × 50/pk AS620A
CSC/RSC Plungers 3 × 50/pk AS133A


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