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The Maxwell® HT ccfDNA Kit can be used for high-throughput, automated purification of circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) from up to…
The Maxwell® HT simplyRNA Kit can be used to make the process of automating isolation much simpler.
The Maxwell® RSC miRNA Tissue and miRNA Plasma and Serum Kits provide all the reagents required for sample processing and…
The Maxwell® RSC Viral Total Nucleic Acid Purification Kit is designed for automated extraction of viral total nucleic acid (RNA…
The Maxwell® RSC simplyRNA Blood Kit, used with the Maxwell® RSC Instruments, provides a simple method for automated RNA purification…
The Maxwell® RSC Plant RNA Kit is used with the Maxwell® RSC Instrument to purify RNA from plant tissue samples.
The Maxwell® FSC DNA IQ™ Casework Kit is designed for optimal DNA extraction from forensic casework samples.
The Maxwell® RSC Plant DNA Kit is used with the Maxwell® RSC and RSC 48 Instruments to provide an easy…
The Maxwell® RSC Buccal Swab DNA Purification Kit delivers high-yield DNA from a non-invasive collection method. It is designed for automated…
The Maxwell® RSC Fecal Microbiome DNA Kit used with the Maxwell® RSC Instruments provides a simple method for efficient, automated…
The Maxwell® RSC Whole Blood DNA Kit provides a simple, automated method for extraction of DNA from 50–500µl of whole…
The Maxwell® RSC PureFood GMO and Authentication Kit provides an easy and automated method for efficient purification of DNA used…
The Maxwell® RSC Blood DNA Kit is designed for optimal automated extraction of DNA from up to 300μl of whole…
The Maxwell® HT DNA FFPE Isolation System provides a simple and reliable method for high-throughput, rapid isolation of genomic DNA from…
The Maxwell® HT 96 gDNA Blood Isolation System provides a simple and reliable method for rapid isolation of genomic DNA…
The Maxwell® HT Viral TNA Kit can be used for high-throughput, automated extraction of RNA and DNA from several sample…
The Maxwell® 16 Viral Total Nucleic Acid Purification Kit is used with the Maxwell® 16 Instrument to extract viral total…
Maxwell® RSC System milik Indolab sudah terdaftar di E-Catalogue, klik disini untuk mengetahui lebih detail.
The Maxwell® RSC RNA FFPE Kit is used with the Maxwell® RSC Instruments to provide an easy method for efficient,…
The Maxwell® RSC DNA FFPE Kit is used with the Maxwell® RSC Instrument to provide an easy method for efficient,…
The Maxwell® RSC ccfDNA Plasma Kit is used with the Maxwell® RSC Instrument to provide an easy method for efficient,…
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